Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2016

Liposuction, Advantages And Side Effects Mandatory You Go

Liposuction, Advantages And Side Effects Mandatory You Go
Liposuction or liposuction is one method to lose body fat. You do this by performing surgery on specific body parts to take the fat that has accumulated.Many people are too afraid to do liposuction with
consideration of the side effects and dangers posed. But many also
 that enable so ignore safety standards. In fact
if done properly by a specialist, the risk of effects
 side can be minimized. In addition, methods and tools
use should also be suitable standards that have been set.
As reported meetdoctor, the main purpose of liposuction
not to lose weight, but to get the curve
ideal body. Parts of the body such as the neck, arms, abdomen, chest, back, waist or thigh is an area that often do liposuction.Some things you should consider before doing liposuction:Body condition of someone who wants to do liposuction should have optimal health.
Prior to performing liposuction, the patient should not drink alcohol, do not use blood-thinning drugs and avoid smoking.
For people with diabetes, heart or kidney disease, should be in a state controlled during a medical examination.
Here is a video episode of Dr. Oz Indonesia liposuction talk about what to do before liposuction, the procedure is done in liposuction and the side effects that may occur after liposuction.
Dr. Oz Indonesia - Bahayakah Liposuction?
Liposuction Side Effects
Liposuction can indeed remove fat in a short time, but not least also experienced some complications in the patient's body. As quoted from health.detik, here are some of the complications that may occur after liposuction.1. Contour Irregularities
The skin may appear bumpy, wrinkled, or wither because of uneven fat removal, poor skin elasticity and healing are not unusual.2. Fluid Accumulation Under the Skin
While the fluid bag (seromas) can be formed under the skin. This fluid may need to be removed by the procedures specialist.3. Numb On Skin
After liposuction, you may feel numb temporarily or permanently in the area of ​​surgery. Nerve irritation may also occur.4. Infection
Skin infections can occur, even if only in certain cases. Severe skin infection may be life threatening.5. Internal Hole
It is rare, kanulai that penetrates too deeply can pierce internal organs. This may require emergency surgery.6. The fat embolism
Pieces of fat that stick can break away and get stuck in blood vessels, gather in the lungs or travel to the brain and cause embolism. Fat embolism is a medical emergency.7. Kidney And Heart Problems
Liposuction can also lead to problems with kidneys and heart. This is due to a shift in the level of fluids such as liquids are injected and sucked out potentially life-threatening.
How to Burn Body Fat Safely
Sports and maintain your diet is the safest way to trim body fat. Avoid some foods that can cause obesity and meet a wide variety of nutrient intake. In addition, exercise also makes the body more healthy and fit.So consider carefully some of the risk of side effects that may occur in addition to the cost factor is certainly not cheap. Even though you've done liposuction, diet and a healthy lifestyle must still be done to prevent the accumulation of fat back into the body.Reference:

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